Help for the Holidays
When it comes to buying and selling, there is perhaps no busier time than Christmas; families will spend thousands of dollars during this holiday season. But what about real estate? Are people still buying and selling homes amid the rush of the holidays and the snow and cold temperatures of the Winter season? The answer, of course, is yes. In fact, Christmas decorations can actually play a big part in helping sell a home.
Envision a house, trimmed with Christmas lights, a snow-covered yard, a Christmas tree lighting the main window, bannisters draped in garland and lights, and a wreath hung on the door. For many, there is likely no scene quite as inviting as this. And, as mentioned in our blog about staging your home, allowing buyers to envision the home as theirs is vitally important. So, if you are listing your home during the holiday season, you may want to take this in to account. Be careful to not over-decorate, though; too many decorations can crowd a space and, for buyers that may not celebrate Christmas, an over-done display could actually be off-putting. The trick is finding the balance between cozy and crowded.
Also, keep in mind that, because there are fewer houses on the market during the Winter season, one that is well-presented has an immediate advantage over the competition. Persons awaiting Spring postings, and others that are buying and selling during the Winter, may have less to choose from and a smaller list of potential buyers, but that need not stand in the way of them realizing their goal. A beautiful home should look beautiful regardless of the season.
Finally, why not take advantage of a more relaxed market and drop in and talk to us. You might not be ready to buy immediately, but we are here to help you regardless of what stage of the buying/selling process you find yourself. The more prepared you are for the Spring sales rush, the more likely you are to achieve your real estate goal. So, come on in for your free consultation, and, no worries, we won’t even ask if you’ve been naughty or nice.
Merry Christmas!